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  1. Timeline Of Eldest
  2. Timeline 1 4 1/2
  3. Nightfall
  4. Timeline 1 4 12

Timeline of The Crown. The timeline of the series closely mirrors that of real-life events, though several dates/events have been altered for the show. 1 Overview 2 Season 1: 1947–1955 2.1 “Wolferton Splash”: November 1947–December 1951 2.2 “Hyde Park Corner”: January–February 1952 2.3 “Windsor”: April–summer 1952 2.4 “Act of God”: December 1952 2.5 “Smoke and Mirrors. Phase 1 introduces us to each of the Avengers. Phase 2 handles the fallout from The Avengers.; Phase 3 features an uneasiness among the superheroes after Avengers: Age of Ultron (and introduces.

Please note: These entries detail events that could POSSIBLY be related to the EARONS. It's impossible to confirm whether they are related to the crime series or not. For now, it's just a log of suspicious activity.

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Timeline Of Eldest

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Timeline 1 4 1/2

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Timeline 1 4 12

DateTimeLocationDescriptionAssociated AttackType
05/??/1976 Rancho Cordova Victim #1 sees older, dark, medium-sized American car several times. As car passes, driver would turn to face away from her. She felt he was watching her.Attack #1Vehicle
05/??/1976 Rancho Cordova Victim #1 starts receiving hang up phone calls. Attack #1Phone
6/18/1976 4:00AM Rancho Cordova Attack #1 - Paseo DriveAttack #1Attack
7/17/1976 2:00AM Carmichael Attack #2 - Marlborough WayAttack #2Attack
08/1?/1976 Carmichael House two doors down from #4 had a prowler in back yard.Attack #4Prowling
8/29/1976 3:20AM Rancho Cordova Attack #3 - Malaga Way. Victims escaped. Aborted attack.Attack #3Attack
8/31/1976 3:30AM Rancho Cordova Neighbor across from #3 had an intruder in her house. This neighbor had seen the perp in #3 as he ran out of the house. Attack #3Break-in
08/2?/1976 Carmichael House on same street as #4 burglarized. Nothing was taken. Attack #4Break-in
9/4/1976 11:30PM Carmichael Attack #4 - Crestview Drive.Attack #4Attack
9/2?/1976 NA Citrus Heights Repeated calls to #5. One said he was going to 'kill her husband.'Attack #5Phone
10/1/1976NA Citrus Heights Neighbor on Shadow Brook, near #5 saw a stranger parked in her driveway. Car was dark green.Attack #5Vehicle
10/5/1976 6:45AM Citrus Heights Attack #5 - Woodpark WayAttack #5Attack
10/5/1976 7:00AM Citrus Heights Neighbor street behind #5 saw a 1952 green Chevy coupe parked across from his house. Car was gone at 7:00AMAttack #5Vehicle
10/9/1976 4:30AM Rancho Cordova Attack #6 - El Segundo - This is the one with the weird neighborAttack #6Attack
10/17/1976 9:00PM Carmichael Neighbor near #7 sees headlights from field behind her house. Attack #7Vehicle
10/17/1976 10:00PM Carmichael Neighbor near #7 says someone opened their back gate. Dog did not track to this house. Attack #7Prowling
10/18/1976 Early-AM Carmichael Neighbor near #7 heard a woman scream and dogs barking. Attack #7
10/18/1976 2:00AM Carmichael Neighbor near #7 hears dogs barkingAttack #7Prowling
10/18/1976 2:30AM Carmichael Attack #7 - Kipling DriveAttack #7Attack
10/18/1976 2:30AM Carmichael #7 dog starts barkingAttack #7Prowling
10/18/1976 6:30AM Carmichael #7's paper boy saw a Lincoln Continental parked at the end of Jacob Ln. Driven by young white male. Drove away when they approached.Attack #7Vehicle
10/18/1976 11:00PM Rancho Cordova Attack #8 - Los Palos - Aborted attack (not sure why) and not much additional information. Location is subject to debate.Attack #8Attack
11/10/1976 7:30PM Citrus Heights Attack #9 - Greenleaf Drive - Took her to canal. Did not rape. Not many details.Attack #9Attack
12/??/1976 Various Sacramento Girl on Hartnell place has several run-ins with man driving different cars who tries to approach her (HAP ch38)
12/1-18/1976 NA Fair Oaks #10 receives hang up phone callsAttack #10Phone
12/11/1976 NA Fair Oaks Home near #10 burglarized. Attack #10Break-in
12/18/1976 7:20PM Fair Oaks Attack #10 - Ladera Way - Per HAP not much record of what was found during neighborhood canvas.Attack #10Attack
12/2?/1976 NA Sacramento Neighbor of #11 sees a man in their backyard. Man said he was taking a shortcut. Hairstyle from 1950s. Had a tattoo. Attack #11Prowling
12/2?/1976 NA Sacramento Per HAP, ch38, a neighbor of #18 found a plastic bag in her bushes which contained a flashlight and a pair of glovesAttack #18
12/21/1976 NA Roseville Man puts his 1961 Plymouth Valiant for sale. A guy fitting EAR's description (blue windbreaker, waffle stompers, 20, light hair) buys it. See Jan 16 1977.Vehicle
1/?/1977 NA Orangevale Neighbor of #16 chased a prowler out of a single female neighbor's yard. Perp fit EAR profileAttack #16Prowling
1/?/1977 NA Carmichael #13's home burglarized.Attack #13Break-in
1/11/1977 7:00PM Sacramento Neighbor of #11 sees man peering into another neighbor's window. Man walks north on Glenville when spotted.Attack #11Prowling
1/12/1977 10:30PM Sacramento Neighbor of #11 sees a white male walking across her front yard. He ran when spotted.Attack #11Prowling
1/13/1977 Evening Sacramento Neighbor of #11 who saw man walking across her yard notices her porch light has been removed.Attack #11Prowling
1/15-30/1977 NA Rancho Cordova Neighbor of #15 receives repeated hang up calls.Attack #15Phone
1/15-2/?/1977 NA Carmichael #13 receiving hang up callsAttack #13Phone
1/16/1977 NA Folsom Valiant from 12/21/1976 ticketed and impounded. In March trunk is opened and found to contain wig, guns, ammo, clothing.Vehicle
1/18/1977 Evening Sacramento Blue sedan seen parked on Glenville near attack #11Attack #11Vehicle
1/18/1977 8:00PM Sacramento Neighbor of #11 on Glenville watched a man with 1950s hairstyle walk into their backyard. She then saw him in her back yard. When he saw her he jumped the fence. (Description HAP Ch23)Attack #11Prowling
1/18/1977 11:30PM Sacramento Attack #11 - Glenville CircleAttack #11Attack
1/19/1977 5:00PM Sacramento Victim #11's car found nearby in an apartment complex parking lot.Attack #11
1/22/1977 12:30AM Citrus Heights Neighbor of #12 on Farmgate/Primrose sees a man walking through front yards, concealing himself by sticking close to shrubberyAttack #12Prowling
1/24/1977 12:30AM Citrus Heights Neighbor of #12 (same as 1/22 12:30AM) hears her dogs growling and barking. She does not investigate. Attack #12Prowling
1/24/1977 1:00AM Citrus Heights Attack #12 - Primrose DriveAttack #12Attack
1/24/1977 NA Citrus Heights Neighbor of #12 is talking to paper boy when both notice a jogger who doesn't look legit. She follows jogger to Birdcage apts. License tracked to asian male who lived near Farmville Rd.Attack #12Vehicle
1/25/1977 8:00PM Sacramento SCSO receives call from KXTV saying someone called their switchboard and said EAR was a 'Jack Neal'.Phone
2/6/1977 Afternoon Carmichael Neighbor of #13 sees a man in the park staring at his wife. Attack #13Sighting
2/7/1977 6:50AM Carmichael Attack #13 - Heathcliff DriveAttack #13Attack
2/7/1977 8:00AM Carmichael Neighbor of #13 sees a man jump a fence bordering the park. Attack #13Prowling
2/7/1977 AM Carmichael Two students walking to school see a man who appeared to come from victim's house run into park. Attack #13Prowling
2/?/1977 NA Orangevale Neighbor of #16 is burglarized. Attack #16Break-in
02/2?/1977 NA Sacramento #14 receives phone calls until about a week prior to assaultAttack #14Phone
2/2?/1977 6:30AM Carmichael Neighbor of 3/24/1977 sees someone jump their fence, go to their patio, and look into the house. Prowling
2/16/1977 11:30PM Sacramento Rodney Miller shot by prowler. Ripon Ct.Attack
2/21/1977 NA Rancho Cordova Next door neighbor of #15 see a prowler wearing a stocking mask. He had blonde hair.Attack #15Prowling
03/??/1977 NA Sacramento Neighbor of #27 awakes to a prowler shining a light on her from outside.Attack #27Prowling
03/??/1977 NA Sacramento Neighbor of #27 (same as above) has been receiving hang up calls for weeksAttack #27Phone
03/??/1977 NA Sacramento Prints matching suspect in #14 are found in back yard of #14. Per HAP LE believed he had been in the back yard several times over the past few days.Attack #14Prowling
3/1-11/1977NA Rancho Cordova Victim #15 receives many hang up calls. Mother finally blows whistle into phone in an effort to make the caller stop.Attack #15Phone
3/8/1977 4:00AM Sacramento Attack #14 - Thornwood DriveAttack #14Attack
3/?/1977 NA Orangevale Neighbor of #16 saw what appeared to be a policeman near #16's house late at night. #16 said they never talked to any police. Attack #16Prowling
3/?/1977 NA Orangevale House next to #16 for sale. Attack #16Prowling
3/9/1977 Carmichael Prowler seen in back yard of neighbor of #21Attack #21Prowling
3/1?/1977 NA Citrus Heights Woman on Viceroy has a solicitor from American Pet Association who creeps her out. He appeared to check the lock on her garage.Prowling
3/13/1977 NA Rancho Cordova Neighbor of #15 returns home to find window pried open.Attack #15Prowling
3/18/1977 12:00PM Rancho Cordova Yellow pickup seen on Malaga/Benny (near #15). Occupant is a young male, early 20s who appeared to be writing something down. Attack #15Vehicle
3/18/1977 4:15PM Sacramento SCSO receives 'I'm the East Side Rapist' Phone
3/18/1977 4:30PM Sacramento SCSO receives a second 'I'm the East Side Rapist' call Phone
3/18/1977 5:00PM Sacramento SCSO receives a third call - 'I'm the East Side Rapist and I have my next victim already stalked and you guys can't catch me.'Phone
3/18/1977 Afternoon Rancho Cordova Victim #15 receives a phone call asking for her parents. Sister tells caller they are out of town for the weekend. Attack #15Phone
3/18/1977 9:30PM Sacramento Neighbor across from #15 sees a man approach attack house and go to side yard. Attack #15Prowling
3/18/1977 10:45PM Rancho Cordova Attack #15 - Benny WayAttack #15Attack
3/18/1977 11:05PM Rancho Cordova Neighbor of #15 arrived home and saw a white Chevy station wagon with brown trim pulling away from a residence on Ellenbrook.Attack #15Vehicle
3/23/1977 NA Orangevale Phony meter reader seen in the area of #16. He stopped at #16's house. When he saw neighbor watching he said 'Good evening' and she heard a light colored sedan peel out a minute later.Attack #16Vehicle
3/24/1977 4:40PM Carmichael Prowler reported at a residence in Carmichael. Not located when deputies arrive. Prowling
3/2?/1977 NA Orangevale Neighbor of #16 finds tennis shoes prints and an empty meat wrapper in his back yard (he had a dog). Attack #16Prowling
4/?-15/1977 NA Carmichael #17 receives lots of phone calls with heavy breathingAttack #17Phone
4/1/1977 NA Orangevale Neighbors see a primer-gray station wagon five times on Winterbrook Way.Vehicle
4/1/1977 10:30PM Orangevale Between 1030PM and midnight dogs bark in area around #16.Attack #16Prowling
4/2/1977 3:20AM Orangevale Attack #16 - Richdale WayAttack #16Attack
4/2/1977 4:30AM Orangevale Neighbor of #16 hears a small foreign vehicle circle the block several timesAttack #16Vehicle
4/2/1977 6:00AM Orangevale Neighbor of #16 saw a dark colored vehicle backing out of victim's driveway. Loud exhaust. Odd as bloodhounds traced perp to a corner a few blocks away.Attack #16Vehicle
4/?(8?/1977 NA Carmichael House near #17 burglarized a week before attack.Attack #17Break-In
4/11/1977 9:30AM Carmichael Woman and fiance see a prowler at their back door. He is looking at the lock but runs when he sees her. Prowling
4/14/1977 Early-AM Carmichael Dog near #17 heard barkingAttack #17Prowling
4/14/1977 Afternoon Carmichael Victim #17 is washing her car in her driveway when a man drives by slowly staring at her.Attack #17Prowling
4/15/1977 2:45AM Carmichael Attack #17 - Cherrelyn WayAttack #17Attack
4/1?/1977 Afternoon Sacramento #18 receiving hang up calls. Canvas reports six neighbors receiving calls as well. Attack #18Phone
4/1?/1977 NA Sacramento Neighbors of #18 have homes burglarized (two)Attack #18Break-In
4/1?/1977 Afternoon Citrus Heights Neighbor of #20 sees man in another neighbor's back yard. When man is seen he takes off running.Attack #20Prowling
4/??/1977 NA Carmichael Twice in two months prior to #21 neighbors are approached by two 'census workers' asking weird questions in a non '0' yearAttack #21Prowling
4/2?/1977 NA Carmichael Neighbor of #21 heard someone in his backyard. Person removed screen from window. Attack #21Prowling
5/2/1977 NA Orangevale Neighbor of #19 sees grey Plymouth parked outside. Attack #19Vehicle
5/3/1977 1:00AM Sacramento Neighbor of #18 hears someone walking on gravel in her yard. The next day she noted her gate was openAttack #18Prowling
5/3/1977 1:00AM Sacramento Victim #18 hears noise in her yard. She locks windows and doors and goes to bed.Attack #18Prowling
5/3/1977 3:00AM Sacramento Attack #18 - La Riviera DriveAttack #18Attack
5/3/1977 NA Carmichael Date approximate - two weeks prior to #21 someone shot out two windows of their house and pried their garage doorAttack #21Prowling
5/5/1977 12:15AM Orangevale Attack #19 - Winterbrook DriveAttack #19Attack
5/?/1977 NA Citrus Heights #20 receiving hang up callsAttack #20Phone
5/?/1977 NA Citrus Heights #20 has a prowler in their backyardAttack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 12:45AM Citrus Heights Neighbor of #20 hears someone on the roof of their home. Attack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 1:00AM Citrus Heights Neighborhood dogs (#20) start barkingAttack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 1:00AM Citrus Heights Different neighbors of #20 call 12:45AM neighbors and say they too heard someone on their roof.Attack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 1:05AM Citrus Heights 1:00AM neighbors still hear person on roofAttack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 2:00AM Citrus Heights 1:00AM family in neighborhood of #20 hears someone trying to pry their sliding glass door openAttack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 Late Night Citrus Heights Several neighbors of #20 hear noises coming from one neighbor's garageAttack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 6:30AM Citrus Heights Resident on Merlindale (near #20) sees a man across the street.Attack #20Prowling
5/13/1977 6:30AM Citrus Heights The same resident on Merlindale (near #20) had been receiving hang up calls.Attack #20Phone
5/13/1977 6:30PM Citrus Heights Neighbor of #20 sees a black car parked in area of Merlindale. Young man driver, sat there for two hours. Attack #20Vehicle
5/14/1977 3:45AM Citrus Heights Attack #20 - Merlindale DriveAttack #20Attack
5/14/1977 5:20AM Citrus Heights Paperboy at Sunrise/Birdcage watches a van speed by north on Birdcage. Van was blue. Vehicle
5/15/1977 NA Carmichael #21 sees someone walking through her neighbor's lawn to the side of his house. 5/14 or 5/15. Attack #21Prowling
5/16/1977 Evening Carmichael Neighbor of #21 sees a man shining a flashlight into cars on Sand Bar circle. Attack #21Prowling
5/16/1977 Evening Carmichael Neighbor of #21 sees a brown 60s or 70s Dodge Charger parked in front of their house. Attack #21Vehicle
5/16/1977 Evening Carmichael New model brown El Camino seen parked on river levee behind victim's house. Attack #21Vehicle
5/16/1977 9:30PM Carmichael Neighbor of #21 see a subject shine a flashlight into yards near the victim's residence. Attack #21Prowling
5/16/1977 10:25PM Carmichael Neighbors on a walk see a man looking at houses on corner of McClaren and Sand BarAttack #21Prowling
5/16/1977 11:30PM Carmichael Neighbor of #21 hears dog barking furiously. Attack #21Prowling
5/17/1977 1:30AM Carmichael Attack #21 - Sandbar CircleAttack #21Attack
5/28/1977 2:20AM Sacramento Attack #22 - 4th Park WayAttack #22Attack
6/??/1977 NA Carmichael Various reports of suspicious activities on Cedarhurst and Templeton.Prowling
8/2?/1977 NA Carmichael Neighbor of #23 sees a white station wagon parked on Cumberland at park. She saw it again after attackAttack #23Vehicle
8/2?-9/6/1977 10:00PMStockton Neighbors of #23 report hearing banging of fences, dogs barking, footprints. Noises usually between 10:00PM and midnight.Attack #23Prowling
8/31-9/1/1977 NA Carmichael Neighbor of #23 sees a white station wagon driving through the cul-de-sac slowly, twice. WMA 20-27 brown hair over ears, ruddy Attack #23Vehicle
9/5/1977 Evening Stockton Several neighbors of #23 receive the same phone call that says 'Go to hell, babe'Attack #23Phone
9/5/1977 Evening Stockton Neighbors of #23 see jogger who wasn't dressed for jogging.Attack #23Prowling
9/5/1977 10:30PM Stockton Light blue or green Datsun or Toyota seen driving around Portage CircleAttack #23Vehicle
9/5-6/1977 NA Stockton Neighbor of #23 sees same white station wagon previously described driving through PortageAttack #23Vehicle
9/6/1977 1:00ishAM Stockton Neighbor of #23 hears someone try to open her back door.Attack #23Prowling
9/6/1977 1:00AM Stockton Neighbors of #23 hear older model small vehicle driving around their cul-de-sacAttack #23Vehicle
9/6/1977 1-3AM Stockton Neighbors hear large engine car squeal tires on PortageAttack #23Vehicle
9/6/1977 1:15AM Stockton Dogs barking around #23Attack #23Prowling
9/6/1977 1:30AM Stockton Attack #23 - Portage CircleAttack #23Attack
9/6/1977 3:30AM Stockton Volkswagen started and left the area. Attack #23Vehicle
9/6-9/1977 NA Stockton #23 receives hang up calls. Her phone starts going dead in the middle of calls. Young man from 'phone company' calls then hangs up when she tries to keep him on the line.Attack #23Phone
10/1/1977 pre-11:30PM Rancho Cordova EAR enters #24 and unloads shotgunAttack #24Break-In
10/1/1977 1:00AM Rancho Cordova Attack #24 - Tuolumne DriveAttack #24Attack
10/14/1977 NA Sacramento #25 - Hang-up phone calls startAttack #25Phone
10/19/1977 Afternoon Sacramento #25 - Garage door found openAttack #25Prowling
10/21/1977 3:00AM Sacramento Attack #25 - Gold Run AvenueAttack #25Attack
10/26/1977 NA Sacramento Phone service installed at home of #26Attack #26Phone
10/26/1977 5:00PM Sacramento #26 - Hang up phone call Attack #26Phone
10/27/1977 Sacramento #28 home broken into - two photos taken, thermostat turned offAttack #28Break-in
10/28/1977 2:00PM Sacramento #26 - Man seen driving slowly on Woodson in a four-door Plymouth or Dodge. Appeared to be checking the residences.Attack #26Vehicle
10/28/1977 6:30PM Sacramento #26 - 1963 or 64 Ford falcon seen driving slowly on Woodson Attack #26Vehicle
10/29/1977 1:45AM Sacramento Attack #26 - Woodson Avenue - Linked by paint to WitthuhnAttack #26Attack
10/29/1977 4:45AM Sacramento Neighbor on Whitney sees man walking. Man hides behind tree at 4507 Whitney. Attack #26Prowling
10/29/1977 6:30AM Sacramento Beauty shop owner sees a man pull a bike out of a trailer attached to a dump truck. Attack #26Vehicle
10/??/1977 NA Sacramento #27 receives hang up calls for 'the past several weeks'Attack #27Phone
11/7/1977 5:40PM Sacramento Note found in campus bathroom regarding EAR - 'The East Side Rapist was here/Will rape my first black girl tonight/Dumb cops will never find me.'Writing
11/9/1977 1:00AM Sacramento Neighbor of #27 hears a noise outside. Husband checks and sees nothing. Attack #27Prowling
11/9/1977 11:00PM Sacramento Neighbor of #27 hears a sound like something fell against her house. Attack #27Prowling
11/10/1977 12:05AM Sacramento Neighbor of #27 heard someone tampering with her sliding glass door. Her dog growled. She turned on light and saw nothing. Attack #27Prowling
11/10/1977 3:00AM Sacramento Neighbor of #27 heard someone trying to open his sliding glass door. Attack #27Prowling
11/10/1977 3:30AM Sacramento Attack #27 - La Riviera Drive - Linked by paint to WitthuhnAttack #27Attack
11/14/1977 NA Sacramento Neighbor of #26 finds a bullet in back yard. Matches those missing from #26's gun. Attack #26Prowling
11/17-12/1/1977 2:00PM Sacramento Victim #28 receives daily hangup phone calls at 2:00PMAttack #28Phone
12/??/1977Rancho Cordova Victim #8 per ST received a call in December. Attack #8Phone
12/??/1977Rancho Cordova Weird guy at 7/11. Cops stake out 7/11 and someone calls and chides them.
12/1/1977 Afternoon Sacramento Neighbors of #28 saw a man walking from Woodridge School stop and stare at her.Attack #28Prowling
12/1/1977 Afternoon Sacramento Neighbors of #28 saw a beige station wagon parked next to #28's houseAttack #28Vehicle
12/1/1977 Evening Sacramento Neighbor in vicinity of #28 says someone turned off the electricity to their houseAttack #28Prowling
12/2/1977 8:00PM Sacramento Sac Sheriff's PBX operator receives call 'I shall commit another rape.'Phone
12/2/1977 11:30PM Sacramento Attack #28 - Lobrett and Revelstok DrAttack #28Attack
12/2/1977 11:59PM Sacramento Sixteen year-old neighbor of #28 saw a beige station wagon parked across from his house. He noted others cars had mist on them but this one did not. Attack #28Vehicle
12/9/1977 5:40PM Carmichael Victim #21 receives phone call - 'Merry Christmas. It's me again.'Attack #21Phone
12/10/1977 9:20PM Sacramento SPD receives call of man with ski mask at intersection of Sierra Oaks and American River Drive. He left in an old Chevy truck.Vehicle
12/10/1977 9:50PM Sacramento Sheriff's dept receives a call - 'I am going to hit tonight. Watt Avenue'Phone
12/10/1977 9:52PM Sacramento SPD receives a call - 'I am going to hit tonight. Watt Avenue'. Confirmed to be same voice as 12/2 callPhone
12/11/1977 NA Sacramento Excitement's Crave received by Sac Bee, mayor's office and KVIE TV 6Writing
12/12/1977 2:30AM Sacramento Someone wearing ski mask spotted on Watt Ave Bridge. Suspect eludes capture on bike. Bike stolen from Redding. Vehicle
12/12/1977 4:30AM Sacramento Same suspect with ski mask spotted by city patrolmen near an apt complex on La Riviera near WattProwling
12/2?/1977 NA Carmichael Three to four weeks prior to #29, someone broke into their garage and stole toolsAttack #29Break-in
1/1/1978 Afternoon Stockton #30 comes home to find their door locks damagedAttack #30Prowling
1/1-7/1978 NA Stockton #30 receives many calls asking for different people who don't live at their homeAttack #30Phone
1/2/1978 Evening Rancho Cordova Is Ray There call to Victim #1 - Several calls made including Gonna Kill You callAttack #1Phone
1/6/1978 8:25PM Contact Counseling volunteer receives 'Can You Help Me?' callPhone
1/14/1978 Carmichael 'Grace Shapiro' sees someone run from her garage.Prowling
1/14/1978 Carmichael 'Grace Shapiro's daughters receive four phone calls over the next two weeks.Phone
1/20/1978 5:20AM Sacramento Mother of #27 receives 'I have not struck in a while' call.Attack #27Phone
1/20/1978 5:30AM Sacramento Victim #18 receives 'I have not struck in a while' call.Attack #18Phone
1/28/1978 11:00PM Carmichael Attack #29 - Winding Way, E of Walnut, near American River CollegeAttack #29Attack
2/2/1978 9:15PM Rancho Cordova Maggiore double murder - La Alegria DriveAttack
2/?-4/12/1978 NA Sacramento #31 receives many explicit calls at home. Attack #31Phone
3/1-15/1978 4:00AM Stockton Neighbor of #30 on Rivara saw a faded van and a green Ford several times parked across the street from their houseAttack #30Vehicle
3/11/1978 NA Stockton Neighbor in 1900 block of Meadow ave sees an 18-22 wma, blond hair driving an old fade van while looking into homesAttack #30Vehicle
3/13/1978 11:30PM Stockton Neighbor of #30 sees a white male, approx 30 walking near their homeAttack #30Prowling
3/15/1978 Night Stockton #30 wakes to hear what sounded like someone kicking their air conditionerAttack #30Prowling
3/15/1978 10:30PM Stockton Young neighbor of #30 saw someone at her bedroom window. House on RivaraAttack #30Prowling
3/16/1978 NA Stockton Victim #30 notices lock leading from garage to kitchen is not working properly.Attack #30Prowling
3/16/1978 Night Stockton Neighbor in 1900 block of Meadow hears someone in their back yardAttack #30Prowling
3/16/1978 Evening Stockton Neighbor of #30 receives a call asking if she would talk to caller while he masturbates.Attack #30Phone
3/17/1978 Night Stockton Neighbor of #30 sees wma 18yrs, blonde hair, get out of a 1972 green pinto, remove a gas can then go down the streetAttack #30Vehicle
3/17/1978 9:30PM Stockton Neighbors in 1900 block of Meadow see a flashlight in their backyardAttack #30Prowling
3/17/1978 10:30PM Stockton Neighbor of #30 hears a rattling noise at side of houseAttack #30Prowling
3/17/1978 11:30PM Stockton Another neighbor of #30 sees wma 18-25, 170, 5'10' get out of his car and remove something from the trunk. Could be same as pinto guy.Attack #30Vehicle
3/18/1978 1:05AM Stockton Attack #30 - Meadow AveAttack #30Attack
3/18/1978 3:30AM Stockton Neighbors in 1900 block of Meadow hear someone running down Meadow then a car leaving.Attack #30Vehicle
3/18/1978 NA Stockton Three men seen running down 1900 block of Meadow. They turned north on Coral. Attack #30Prowling
3/30/1978 8:15PM Sacramento Riverside Convalescent Hospital - man says weird things to nurse
4/?/1978 NA Woodland See 6/2?/1978 - Son of woman sees orange flame van. Says it was more cream colored. Driver stops and offers to fix a dent in son's VW.Vehicle
4/1-14/1978 NA Sacramento Neighbor of #31 reports gate left open many times over two weeks prior to attackAttack #31Prowling
4/10/1978 NA Sacramento Riverside Convalescent Hospital - man appears again and acts strange
4/11/1978 Evening Sacramento #31 hears someone on their patioAttack #31Prowling
4/13/1978 11:00PM Sacramento Neighbor #31 on Rio Ln hears scratching on the side of their house. It stops when their dog barksAttack #31Prowling
4/14/1978 9:15PM Sacramento Neighbor of #31 sees an older Cadillac pull into the victim's driveway. Car had been seen in neighborhood a few times over past month.Attack #31Vehicle
4/14/1978 9:30PM Sacramento Neighbors of #31 hear dogs barkingAttack #31Prowling
4/14/1978 9:30-9:40PM Sacramento Victim #31 puts child to bed (she was babysitting). A few minutes later child sees flashlight beam on her wall.Attack #31Prowling
4/14/1978 9:50PM Sacramento Attack #31 - Piedmont AveAttack #31Attack
4/14/1978 10:15PM Sacramento Woman fishing on Sac River at Minnow Hole was startled by man jogging, not dressed as jogger. Man said 'Oh my wife is going to be mad'Attack #31Sighting
5/1?/1978 NA Modesto #32 receives hang up and obscene callsAttack #32Phone
5/30/1978 Afternoon Davis Janitor for apt complex of #33 told her she saw a man the Tues previous to attack staring at victim while victim was in apartment poolAttack #33Prowling
6/5/1978 3:00AM Modesto Attack #32 - Fuschia LaneAttack #32Attack
6/5/1978 3:5?AM Modesto Neighbor of #32 hears sports car with deep exhaust start up on Fuschia LaneAttack #32Vehicle
6/5/1978 Afternoon Davis Victim #33 sees a man similar to janitor description of 5/30/1978 who sort of followed her as she checked her mail. WMA, mustache, 6ftAttack #33Prowling
6/7/1978 3:55AM Davis Attack #33 - Wake ForrestAttack #33Attack
6/18/1978 Afternoon Modesto Neighbor of #? sees a man walking through yards. He says he works for a solar developer but didn't know anything about solar.Prowling
6/22/1978 Evening Modesto Cab driver picks up a man at Modesto airport and drops him at Sylvan and Coffee in a field.
6/23/1978 1:30AM Modesto Attack #34 - Grand PrixAttack #34Attack
6/23/1978 8:30PM Davis Neighbor of attack #35 sees a man peering through bushes.Attack #35Prowling
6/24/1978 3:15AM Davis Attack #35 - RivendellAttack #35Attack
6/24/1978 Morning Davis Dogs track perp from #35 to Univ Davis AirportAttack #35
6/24/1978 NA Davis Neighbor of #35 finds a jacket lying beside her house. Golden Bear 300/303. made in CA. Attack #35
6/2?/1978 11:30PM Woodland A woman from Woodland, near Davis, saw a man walking down the street wearing a black jump suit and ski mask. He disappeared behind the house across the street. Prowling
6/2?/1978 2:00AM Woodland Same woman gets out of bed later and sees lights/cops. At 2AM she heard a vehicle stopping near where she saw man and immediately a door slam as though someone were being picked up.Vehicle
6/2?/1978 2:05AM Woodland Same woman looks out her windows and sees an orange colored van with flames painted on side and portholes. Son/daughter had seen van before. Vehicle
7/3/1978 Evening Davis Neighbor of #35 sees a man on a bicycle cruising down Amador. He notified Davis PD.Attack #35Vehicle
7/4/1978 Evening Davis Neighbor of #35 sees a man wearing a concho and walking with a cane, east on Buckleberry toward Arlington. Concho and beard seem fake so he calls Davis PD.Attack #35Prowling
7/6/1978 2:50AM Davis Attack #36 - Amador DriveAttack #36Attack
7/7/1978 NA Davis Gun stolen in #34 recovered in area behind Palmilla DriveAttack #34
9/2?/1978 11:30PM Concord Neighbors of #37 hear a noise and see an older black or blue Falcon with a loud exhaust. Two men seen running. They checked and their window screens had holes in them.Attack #37Vehicle
9/?/1978 NA Concord Man and woman visit home of #37 and claim to be from Mormom ChurchAttack #37Prowling
9/30/1978 Morning Concord Neighbor of #37 leaving for work sees a man running. Man ducks behind large planter and hides.Attack #37Prowling
10/1/1978 Afternoon Concord Neighbor of #37 sees a man near church parking lot sitting in a tree looking into her yard. Church is behind victim's house.Attack #37Prowling
10/2-3/1978 Night Concord Neighbor of #37 on Hollis Ct heard noises in her back yard and scratching. LE found scratch marks, cuts in screens, and a missing screen.Attack #37Prowling
10/4/1978 NA Concord Neighbor of #37 on Minert sees prowler and confronts him with gun. 5'9', possibly Mexican, 175lbs. Hawaiian shirt. Neighbor also found gate open.Attack #37Prowling
Attack #37Prowling
10/7/1978 10:30PM Concord Neighbor of #37 sees a Fleetside Chevrolet pickup, green, parked on Minert near #37's home.Attack #37Vehicle
10/7/1978 11:30PM Concord VW parked on Minert RdAttack #37Vehicle
10/7/1978 2:30AM Concord Attack #37 - Belann CtAttack #37Attack
10/8/1978 NA Concord Neighbor of #37 finds security badge in their front yard.Attack #37
10/12/1978 10:00PM Concord Neighbor on San Simeon Dr hears noises as though someone knocked her garbage canAttack #38Prowling
10/12/1978 Night Concord Neighbor on Lyon Circle found a broken gate and missing fence boardsAttack #38Prowling
10/13/1978 7:00AM Concord Neighbor on Ryan Rd notices gate open and bicycle missing. She notified Concord PDAttack #38Prowling
10/13/1978 4:00AM Concord Neighbor on Wilmore Rd hears the beeping of a car w/key in ignition and door open. Attack #38Vehicle
10/13/1978 4:30AM Concord Attack #38 - Ryan CourtAttack #38Attack
10/16/1978 NA Concord Bike stolen before #37 found in bushes next to apt complex on Ryan RdAttack #37Vehicle
10/28/1978 Afternoon San RamonLight colored Celica pulls into #39's driveway. Attack #39Vehicle
10/28/1978 2:30AM San Ramon Attack #39 - Montclair PlaceAttack #39Attack
10/28/1978 5:00AM San Ramon After attack, #39 victims hear a car start and restart four times. Sounded like a V8 running rough.Attack #39Vehicle
10/28/1978 5:00AM San Ramon Neighbor of #39 sees a man in dark clothes jump a fence at 110 Adams Place.Attack #39Prowling
10/28/1978 5:30AM San Ramon Possibly same man in dark clothes as 5:00AM seen on Pine Valley Road. He stepped behind trees when sighted. Attack #39Prowling
11/4/1978 3:45AM San Jose Attack #40 - Havenwood DriveAttack #40Attack
12/2/1978 2:00AM San Jose Attack #41 - Kersey LaneAttack #41Attack
12/8/1978 11:30PM Danville Neighbor of #42 sees a dark van parked in their driveway.Attack #42Vehicle
12/9/1978 2:00AM Danville Attack #42 - Liberta CtAttack #42Attack
12/9/1978 NA Danville Schoolwork and map found where dogs tracked scent from #42Attack #42
12/18/1978 6:30PM San Ramon Woman discovers rope hidden under couch on Thunderbird PlaceBreak-in
3/20/1979 5:15AM Rancho Cordova Attack #43 - Filmore Lane - Likely not EARAttack #43Attack
4/4/1979 Evening Fremont Neighbor of #44 hears glass break and a scraping noise. Checks it out with a flashlight from his house but does not call police. Attack #44Prowling
4/4/1979 12:20AM Fremont Attack #44 - Honda WayAttack #44Attack
5/??-??/1979 NA Walnut Creek Victim #45 receives hang up callsAttack #45Phone
5/16/1979 Evening San Ramon Woman doing laundry in her garage sees man in her living room. He runs when spotted, north on Joaquin Dr towards Camino RamonProwling
5/??/1979 NA Walnut Creek #45's home broken into and an address book and nightgown are stolen. LE believes this is how EAR followed victim with calls to different locations such as work and babysitting jobsAttack #45Break-in
6/2/1979 9:30PM Walnut Creek Neighbor of #45 has bike stolenAttack #45Vehicle
6/2/1979 10:30PM Walnut Creek Attack #45 - El Divisadero DriveAttack #45Attack
6/5or6/1979 Evening Walnut Creek Mother of #45 sees a maroon El Camino in her neighborhood. She confronted driver who drove off.Attack #45Vehicle
6/10/1979 11:45PM Danville Neighbor of #46 sees prowler jump a fence then get on a bike, west on El Capitan then south on Mustang.Attack #46Vehicle
6/11/1979 2:30AM Danville Neighbor of #46 on Allegheny hear a noise outside their window. #46 lived next door.Attack #46Prowling
6/11/1979 4:00AM Danville Attack #46 - Allegheny DriveAttack #46Attack
6/11/1979 5:00AM Danville Neighbor of #46 saw a van, dark blue/green, Chevy maybe, parked on Camino Ramon near El CapitanAttack #46Vehicle
6/24/1979 Afternoon Walnut Creek #47 receives hang up callAttack #47Phone
6/25/1979 4:15AM Walnut Creek Attack #47 - San Pedro CourtAttack #47Attack
7/10/1979 2:00AM Danville Neighbor of #48 hears someone on her porchAttack #48Prowling
7/10/1979 3:50AM Danville Next door neighbor of #48 heard a sliding door open. LE found their sliding door unlocked.Attack #48Prowling
7/10/1979 3:57AM Danville Attack #48 - Sycamore Court - Botched. Victim woke while EAR was putting on mask.Attack #48Attack
8/8/1979 9:40PM San Ramon Pine Valley Rd - Perp seen in backyard near sliding glass door. Dog barked. Man had a knife and jumped fence when seen. Prowling
8/12/1979 4:20AM Danville Prowler seen on Plaza Circle. Left through backyard gate. Prowling
8/17/1979 2:00AM Danville Prowler seen on Plaza Circle north of Diablo Golf Course. Was holding flashlight. Several neighbors reported noises.Prowling
8/17/1979 4:00AM Danville Noises heard south of Diablo Golf CourseProwling
10/1/1979 2:00AM Goleta Botches ONS #1 - 5425 Queen Ann LaneONS Attack #1Attack
12/30/1979 4:00AM GoletaOfferman/ManningONS Attack #2Attack
3/13/1980 ? VenturaSmithsONS Attack #3Attack
8/19/1980 ? Dana PointHarringtonsONS Attack #4Attack
2/16/1981 2:00AM IrvineWitthuhnONS Attack #5Attack
7/27/1981 3:30AM GoletaDomingo/SanchezONS Attack #6Attack
10/21/1982 Evening Victim #24 receives phone call; 'Hi, it's me again. Remember me? I'm going to come over and fuck you again. You're going to suck my cock again.'Attack #24Phone
5/4/1986 ? IrvineCruzONS Attack #7Attack
10/12/1987 10:15PM Oakdale Woman attacked and hit with a log from logpile. Attack
1991-1992 NA Danville Victim #7 receives phone call 'You know who this is'Attack #7Phone

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